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Loftus United Reformed Church

Following on from the successful Loftus Future High Street Fund bid, we were asked to explore options for converting the former United Reformed Church in Loftus. The resulting scheme includes the provision of artists studios and gallery space, and hopes to secure the future of this important historic building, putting it to use as a community and cultural hub.



Careful internal reorganisation maximises the potential of the existing church and provides opportunity to create a unique and characterful series of spaces. The proposal includes the lowering of window cills and partial removal of the boundary wall to make the building more inviting, accessible and give an active frontage to the high street.



Construction will be split into two phases, phase 01 including external works and the ground and first floor alterations. Phase 02 will include the construction of a second floor to provide additional studio space. Phase 01 received planning permission this year and aims to start on site in early 2023.


Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council

